Breakout rooms : Role wise feature List

Breakout rooms : Role wise feature List

Role wise features explained for break out room for virtual classroom


1. Presenter can create new breakout rooms, even if there are breakout rooms running.
2. Presenter can end any particular breakout room from main class.
3. Presenter can end all breakout rooms with one click from main class.
4. Only presenter has access to extend breakout room duration from with in the breakout room.
5. Presenter can join any breakout room from the main class.
6. Presenter can assign only one attendee the monitor role.
7. Presenter can upload content in the breakout room.
8. Presenter can revoke audio and video access from monitor.
9. Presenter can leave breakout room at any time and return back to main class.
10. Presenter can create maximum number of breakout rooms as per account plan .
11. If breakout room has ended, then the presenter can again assign those attendees in a new breakout room.
12. If Presenter revoke monitor's audio,video controls in breakout room and try to go back to main class then monitor's audio ,video controls are granted back automatically.
13. If presenter end the main class then it will first end all breakout rooms and then end main class.


1. Monitor can give audio,video and writing controls to any attendee.
2. Monitor can remove any attendee and in that case attendee will return to main session.
3. Monitor can not upload content. Only the content uploaded by presenter using Upload from desktop will be accessible in breakout room to share.
4. Monitor can not extend breakout room duration.
5. Monitor can acknowledge if attendee raises' hand .
6. Monitor can leave breakout room at any time and return back to main class. Once a monitor leaves the breakout room he will not be able to join the room again.


1. Attendee can not upload content.
2. Attendee can not extend breakout room duration.
3. Attendee can raise hand to monitor.
4. Attendee can leave breakout room at any time and return back to the main class. Once an attendee leaves the breakout room he will not be able to join the room again.

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