How do I use WizIQ Recordor?

How do I use WizIQ Recordor?

To use WizIQ Recordor, download the latest version of the plug-in. Once you have downloaded the WizIQ Recordor, open Microsoft PowerPoint. Click the WizIQ Recordor tab in the PowerPoint ribbon (see Figure 1.1).

You will then have the option of using Record Video feature, Record Audio feature, and Import and Sync Audio feature to create a video lecture.

Record Audio feature lets you record narration for your presentation slides. This leads to the creation of video lectures with only your voice in it and not the video.

Record Video feature helps you record your live video and synchronize it with your presentation slides. The video lecture thus created, has both your narration as well as your recorded video.

You can use the Import and Sync Audio feature to import an existing audio file from your computer and sync it with your PowerPoint presentation. If you have an audio file or recording on your computer that perfectly matches and further enhances the presentation slides, you can simply import this audio recording to your PowerPoint presentation and then sync the audio with the appropriate slides using WizIQ Recordor.

You can share your video lectures through e-mail and upload them to your Content Library. You also have the option of adding video lectures directly to your course. To do this, just click the Share icon and then click the WizIQ Courses button. You get the option of adding your video lecture to any course created by you.