Hello and welcome to this video tutorial. In this video, you will see how to create a scheduled course as an instructor in WizIQ. The first step is that a user will log into the platform as an instructor. The moment instructor logs in, the list of courses which have already been created get displayed. On the bottom right instructor will find an option to create a scheduled course. In step number 1 instructor will start defining the course settings such as is is a free or paid course. If it is a paid course the price is defined in this section, visibility of the course is configured next. (will it be visible to all the visitors or only to the registered users of Academy or only to the users you enroll).
The course may have multiple instructors, enforced sequencing and instructors are allowed to enable or disable discussions depending on requirements.
In the next screen, instructor will define the curriculum for the scheduled course- and the very first step is that they will start with a start date and end date. These are mandatory to be defined by the instructor. So let us say that an instructor wants the course to get started from 17th of April and close it after 1 month i.e. the end on 17th of May.
Once the dates are selected, the instructor will click on ‘Save’, and the system will ask to confirm the dates. After confirming the dates instructors cannot change the start date, they may select to change the end date though.
So let us get started with the ‘Course Title’.
Here, instructor will have an option of adding up weeks. Currently, we have created it as a two weeks course. Within each week instructor has the option of defining the activities on a day-wise basis. There are seven days within the first week and same goes for week number 2. So there are two levels of activities which users can define. One activity may be meant for the entire week and then the other activity may be meant for a specific date.
If instructors want to make certain content material available to the students, all through the week, then they will have to upload that content file under the ‘All Week’ space. If they want to distribute the content only on a specific date and time, then they will have to choose the specific date.
So, lets get started with the first activity. Click on files and upload a document. Again, there are two options, browsing it from the computer or adding it from the library. Lets choose ‘Browse’ from the computer. Instructors see the following settings next : 1) ‘Allow others download this file’ and 2) This a required activity. So if an instructor wants a file to be downloadable, he/she may keep this box as checked. To make this activity as a mandatory activity, the second box should be checked.
Once done click on ‘Continue’. So now the document file has been added under the ‘All Week’ section. To add activity to a specific date, click on the date and observe the options. First is a ‘File’, second is a ‘Live Class’, the third is a ‘Recorded Class,’ and the fourth is an ‘Assignment’ and last but not the least there is ‘Assessment’. Let us get started with the ‘Files’ option. Lets choose from the library, and click on ‘Add to Course’. Because this course is a scheduled course, that is why the ‘Live Class’ option is available. So lets create a ‘Live Class’ within the course, to which instructor may give an appropriate ‘Subtitle’. The ‘Subtitle’ that you have to give is a tagline which substantiates the title.
Instructors must choose a ‘Time’ on which they want to do it. They may also select an appropriate timezone. Instructors need to define whether this is a mandatory activity or is it optional? Also, should the lecture get recorded or not. In case instructors want to upload a class logo, they can do it by uploading the logo in the next field.
Then there is class duration, the total number of attendees, and the language of instruction. Once done, instructors click on ‘Schedule and Continue’. Instructors may add more activities in week number 2. For example, adding an assignment. So an assignment is an instruction-based activity such as writing on a topic, solving problems, analysing cases studies. Once it has been assigned to the learners, they have to log into the platform, download and work on it, and they will have an option to submit the assignment back to the instructor.
Instructor may also decide to give a timeline for the assignment. Once instructor has defined the ‘Title’, ‘Description’, ‘Timeline’, and has attached a document file (which is the project which you want your learners to do) you will have an option of creating it.
Lastly, we will create an assessment. There is an option using which instructors may also clone an existing test. So once they have cloned the test, all the settings which were predefined will get applied to this assessment. They will have to choose a passing percentage, make it as ‘Required Activity’ and click on ‘Next’.
Instructors may also add more questions if required. Click on ‘Next’, and further click on ‘Publish Test’ to make the test live. The instructor also has the facility that he/she may rename the ‘Week Names’ (by clicking on the pen icon beside ‘Week’).
Before we go to the next step we will have a quick review: We started with the Defining the start and end date; then we give an appropriate ‘Title’; Then we created two weeks, and within two weeks we added activities as per the requirement. So, there is a document, there's a PowerPoint Presentation, then there is a ‘Live Class’. In week number two, we have an assignment and an assessment. Once we have completely defined the curriculum, then we will go to the last step, which is defining the course metadata. Instructors must give a Title, a Subtitle, ‘Course Highlights (important things about the course) then they should provide a description of the course in ‘About the course’ so that before the learners enroll, they are aware that what they are going to learn over a period of time. Instructors may also have the course logo uploaded and specify the language of instruction.
Once done with everything, click on ‘Publish Course’.
Immediately after publishing, this message informing that course has been created successfully gets displayed. Instructors should refresh the courses page to view the course in the list’. Now the online course on GRE preparation has been created successfully. If the instructor clicks on the course, then he/she may go through the overview, logo, and the profile. On the right-hand side, a quick summary of the course is displayed. So the first option is language of instruction - i.e. English, the start date is April 17th, 2018, the duration is two weeks, and the ‘Enforce Sequence’ option has been enabled for this course.
Down below the total number of documents, assignments, tests and live classes are added. Before making it available to the students, instructors should preview the course as it will be visible to the students.
If one wants to see your ‘Schedule’, he/she should click on the schedule option to see the lineup of activities. There is also the people tab, from where you may start enrollment of the students at the last tab is ‘Assignments’ wherein you may keep track of all the submissions which will be done by the students.
Thanks so much for watching this video tutorial I hope that this video will help you to create a scheduled course as an instructor in WizIQ.
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